Friday, August 28, 2015

First Assembly!

We had our first assembly today! Mr. Prorok and Mrs. Moss gathered the students into the Multi-Purpose Room to Kick Off the New Year! This year's theme is Liberty Students Are Out of this World.  At the assembly all the staff members were introduced and the Liberty School expectations were covered. We concluded the day with a Kick Off Parade around the school!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Me Bags!!!

We spent a lot of time this week getting to know each other. Relationship Building is vital to creating a successful Classroom Atmosphere and Climate. I am a huge believer in knowing my students and developing an open dialogue with each of them. One of the activities we did this week was the Me Bag!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Number Sense

 This week during Math Block we have been playing with numbers! Number Sense is a vital foundational skill for 5th Grade Mathematics so I have been teaching the students some of my favorite number sense games. These games can be used throughout the year as practice at home or here at school after daily lessons are complete.


Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day!

The First Day is in the books and we had a great time learning about our new classroom!

Today we went over schedules, routines and expectations. The students now know our classroom rules and Mr. Lyons' Personal Pet Peeves. We also covered expectations for the Hallways, Washrooms, Lunch room and Media Center.

We participated in several Ice Breaker activities and spent time getting to know our classmates.  


We will  be together for a 174 days so we might as well know a bit about each other.

We also set up the Edmodo app for students who had their iPads. Edmodo will be the way that students and parents access daily homework assignments.
Students who didn't come to the iPad roll out last Tuesday will receive their iPads on Friday during Technology class.

Your Student should have received a "How To Survive 5th Grade" folder with way more school information than you will be able to read through in one night. Take your time and return the necessary papers by Friday!