Tuesday, September 15, 2015


We are slowly getting through all our beginning of the year testing. All students have now taken both their Reading and Math MAP tests for the Fall. Our Resource teachers have finished administering the Easy CBM to all students and I have F & P tested about half the class.

The NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) describes MAP testing as:
Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) are K – 12 interim assessments that measure growth, project proficiency on high-stakes tests, and inform how educators differentiate instruction, evaluate programs, and structure curriculum.
Computer adaptive MAP assessments reveal precisely which academic skills and concepts the student has acquired and what they’re ready to learn. MAP assessments are grade independent and adapt to each student’s instructional level. Every item on a MAP assessment is anchored to a vertically aligned equal interval scale, called the RIT scale for Rasch UnIT—a stable measurement, like inches on a ruler, that covers all grades.
And because the measurement is reliable and accurate, RIT scores serve as an essential data point in a student’s learning plan; educators can see their precise learning level and respond accordingly.
As a classroom teacher I use this data to drive my daily instruction and to adapt that instruction to individual student needs. Students in grade 5 MAP test in the Fall, Winter and Spring.

The Easy CBM testing is designed to "give teachers insight into which of their students may need additional instructional supports as well as to provide a means by which they can measure the effectiveness of their teaching. System reports provide information that supports evidence-based decision making, and the Interventions interface streamlines the process of keeping track of students' instructional program, a feature that is particularly helpful for student study team meetings and parent conferences". These tests are administered by our school reading specialist in the Fall, Winter and Spring.

The Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System is used to get one-on-one assessments of each student's instructional and independent reading level. This information helps me:
  • Determine reading placement levels and group students for reading instruction.
  • Select texts that will be productive for student's instruction.
  • Assess the outcomes of teaching.
  • Assess a new student's reading level for independent reading and instruction.
  • Identify students who need intervention.
  • Document student progress across a school year.
  • Inform parents of student progress.
I will administer these tests in the Fall and Spring. Students in need of intervention may also be tested in the Winter.

Although testing can be time consuming, the data helps me provide your child with individualized instruction. 

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